Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Journal # 6

Parr, B. (2011, July 16). Google : The complete guide. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2011/07/16/google-plus-guide/

 Ben Parr delves into the world of Google +, a new social networking tool that combines aspects of Twitter and Facebook. Google + allows its users to form and connect with various social networks in relation to particular interests, such as education. Rather than just obtaining mass amounts of friends in relation to Facebook, one can simply organize social groups into categories such as acquaintances or best friends. This helps users share different things with different groups of people. This allows for an easier and accessible way to manage privacy policies. Another interesting feature that Google + provides is the aspect titled, "Sparks." This search engine located within Google + allows users to discover relevant articles pertaining to your specific interests. Once an article of interest is found, the users can set up Hangout sessions to discuss with many different friends at once. This feature allows its users to have a live web chat with numerous friends and be able to see and talk to each person at once. Google+ also incorporates aspects of Twitter because it allows its users to re-share information and connect with people of similar interests. These aspects can greatly help build an educators PLN.

How could Google + be implemented in the classroom?
First of all, Google + will help build an educators PLN. The classroom can benefit from this greatly because they know their teacher will be up to date on all aspects relating technology and/or education. The greater the PLN, the more informative and relevant the educator for the benefit of the classroom.

Brogan, C. (2011, September 30). Educators: Google plus is for you. Retrieved from http://www.chrisbrogan.com/gpluseducators/

Chris Brogan takes the world of Google + and discovers the elements that would be useful in a classroom. One of the most interesting ways that he states Google+ can be useful in the classroom is if the educator posts class discussions or debates. This way, the teacher can share this information directly with his or her students and everyone can have a chat or discussion on the topic. The way that one can make this more interactive is if the teacher sets up a Hangout session with the class and everyone can partake in a live group discussion. This is also beneficial because students can ask the teacher any particular questions they may develop while finishing their homework or other various assignments from class. The teacher can also bring in a guest speaker and include them in on the Hangout with the class. The guest speaker could be a prominent figure from anywhere in the world because Google+ allows you to connect with so many different people. This opens students up to greater possibilities in life through the constant interaction and development of new knowledge.

Would this be realistic for any teacher at any level?

I believe this aspect of Google+ should be monitored based on the maturity level of the students. I can not see a group of third graders utilizing these tools very much, but I think it is important to introduce them to it. Middle school levels could appropriately use these sources if monitored. I think it is important to begin children at early levels discovering new aspects of technology. They are already experts at technology, so why not engage and challenge them to the new developing technology.

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